Remi Rousselet

Open-source software engineer at Invertase

Talk Title

Custom_lint: write lints and fixes






15:25 > 40 min


on Twitter

Warnings, quick fixes, and refactorings are effective tools for making code more maintainable. But the Dart SDK doesn't always provide one for your use case. In that scenario, you may want to build custom ones. That's where the package custom_lint comes in, to enable you to empower your IDE/CI with just a few lines of code.

In this talk, we will see what custom_lint is. Together, we will write our first lint rule and write a quick fix.

No previous knowledge about custom_lint is necessary for this talk, but a good understanding of Dart is recommended.

Speaker Bio

Rémi is an active member of the Flutter community since its early days. He is the author of various popular packages such as Provider/Riverpod, flutter_hooks or Freezed. At Invertase, he is working on open-source projects to simplify the life of other developers.
