Divyanshu Bhargava

Lead Mobile Developer at Securrency

Talk Title

Scaling Server Driven UI with Mirai






15:20 > 40 min


on Twitter

Apps have come a long way since the launch of PlayStore (Android market) in 2008. In traditional apps, the data is driven by the backend, and the UI is driven by the client (web, iOS, Android). As the app grows they become more personalized, dynamic, and complex. Sending updates and bug fixes to these apps becomes a challenge. What if the client doesn’t need to know what they were displaying? What if we could control the UI directly from the server?

That’s what server-driven UI essentially does. SDUI is a technique to leverage the servers to build the user interface for their mobile apps. In SDUI the API tells the client what component to be rendered. This opens up new possibilities and addresses some fundamental challenges with native mobile app development today.

Mirai is a Server-Driven UI (SDUI) library for Flutter which we build at Securrency. Mirai allows you to build beautiful cross-platform applications with JSON in real time.

In this talk, we are going to understand what Server-Driven UI is. The Story behind Mirai, challenges, and how it helps you to build SDUI apps in Flutter. And How Mirai will benefit your business and reduce your Time to Market.

Talk Title

The joy of Functional Programming in Dart






16:20 > 40 min


on Twitter

Functional programming is a programming paradigm that has gained increasing popularity in recent years thanks to its ability to improve code quality, reduce bugs, and increase productivity. Luckily, Dart has a strong foundation in functional programming concepts such as higher-order functions, closures, and immutability.
In this talk, we will explore how to unlock the power of functional programming in Dart. We will start with an introduction to functional programming concepts and why they matter. And learn more about functional programming design patterns. We will then dive into how Dart supports functional programming and how to apply functional programming techniques to solve real-world problems. We will cover the core principles of functional programming, such as immutability, purity, and higher-order functions.
Finally, we will discuss the benefits of functional programming in Dart, such as improved code readability, easier debugging, error handling, and faster development time. We will also explore how to use Dart's functional programming libraries, such as the fpdart and dartz packages, to implement functional programming techniques in your code. We will also address common challenges developers may face when transitioning to functional programming and provide strategies to overcome them.
Whether you are new to functional programming or an experienced developer looking to improve your Dart skills, this talk will equip you with the knowledge and techniques to unlock the power of functional programming in Dart and take your coding skills to the next level.

Speaker Bio

Divyanshu Bhargava is leading the mobile engineering at Securrency. He is a Google Developer Expert in Flutter & Dart and an Organizer of Flutter Abu Dhabi & Dubai. His passion for building apps took him to mobile development, these days you’ll find him talking about Flutter and the future of tech. He is an open-source enthusiast and an avid tech blogger. When he is not coding you can find him kayaking, reading, traveling, or thinking about coding.
