Sylvia Dieckmann

Mobile App Developer, GDE Flutter/Dart

Talk Title

Taking the Pain Out of App Releases – Auto-Generating Screenshots as Part of a Release Pipeline






12:10 > 20 min


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Google's Play Store currently requires screenshots for a minimum of three different devices, Apple's Appstore wants even more. If you are maintaining apps in production you probably know the pain of having to generate a fresh set of these screenshots for each new release. It means firing up a simulator suitable for the required screen size, navigating through the app, taking screenshots, labeling the images, uploading them to the right target, and repeating it all for the next screen size.

Luckily, much of this can be automated. In this talk, I will demonstrate how Flutter tests can be instrumented to generate screenshots at the click of a button.

In this presentation, I will cover:
1. Setting up an integration that exercises all aspects of an app.
2. Hooking up Firebase Emulators as stand-ins for the production backend.
3. Instrumenting the integration tests to take PNG screenshots at the appropriate moments.
4. Writing a custom shell script to start up the required simulators and tag the results.
5. Configuring Fastlane to manage the upload of the new images together with the rest of the metadata.
6. Some pitfalls and gotchas.

Speaker Bio

Sylvia is a Google Developer Expert for Flutter/Dart. Her preferred professional role includes some IT management but also enough hands-on development work to keep her dev skills sharp. Her main interest lies in exploring new technologies in the space of mobile apps and web technologies. She is currently playing with Flutter, Firebase, and some ML for Android but might change focus as new technologies pop up. 
Sylvia divides her time between South Africa and Germany. She leads the GDG Cape Town chapter and is a frequent speaker at GDG events.
