Marcin Szałek

Flutter developer at Cheddar

Talk Title

Animating a production app with tens of thousands of users






13:40 > 40 min


on Twitter

Flutter is the perfect tool for implementing design challenges and complex UIs that look great in the portfolio. But is it possible to implement advanced animations in real-life production apps? Can we take what's best in Flutter and show it to the tens of thousands of users?

In this talk, I will share my experience of implementing complex and highly-customized animations in a fin-tech app called Cheddar. I will show you examples of how we can use Flutter animations to drive outstanding UX across all devices. You will learn how to structure your UI code in a way that is easy to develop and maintain. We'll talk about the advantages of custom Flutter animations over static Lottie/Rive files and when they apply. We'll go through some micro-animations and how we can easily embed them into the app design as well as full-page animations guiding the user inside your app.

Speaker Bio

Flutter developer since alpha release in 2017. Flutter freelancer since then. Blogger at Co-organizer and speaker at Flutter Europe. Currently working at a fin-tech startup called Cheddar.
