Erick Zanardo

Tech Delivery Lead at VGV

Talk Title

Flame workshop: Space Shooter






13:40 > 30 min


on Twitter

In this session we will build an awesome and addictive space shooter game with Flutter and Flame engine.

You will learn about sprites, animations, gestures and input, collision detection, effects, the game loop, components, parallaxes and a lot more!

In the end of the session you will have a playable game that you can continue to improve on.

You need no previous experience with Flame or Flutter to attend, a little Dart experience will help you a lot though.

Speaker Bio

Developer since 2008, worked with many different technologies over the years, focusing in mobile since 2016 and on Flutter since 2018.

OSS maintainer os Flutter packages and plugins like Flame, Dashbook and others. Member of the Blue Fire open source initiative and Tech Delivery Lead at Very Good Ventures.
